A great day today, our fourth day here. Meetings this morning with our partners, dreaming together about future directions for our work. Then a wonderful time with some nationals, who have a group that gets together a couple of times a week for encouragement and inspiration. Almost all of them are new to this, so it was really exciting to be able to speak to them. They were so hungry to learn! We’ll be working with them next week, distributing the material you guys so generally provided for.
Also met up today with a new friend doing work in the same area as us. It’s always an unexpected blessing to connect with folks like him. He served as my translator tonight as I spoke. Then we got back to our rooms and found our old friend Brenda had arrived. We’ll look forward to hanging out with her and the others tomorrow.
Got word tonight from our son. He made it through his first month of Ranger training. We were very happy to hear that. He had been out of all communication the whole time and to hear his voice over here was a great relief to us.
Ok. Jake caught me during a break between meetings. My story–and I’m sticking to it–is that jet lag finally caught up with me.