Off to Central Asia

So we’re off to Central Asia.

Pam, Cecie, Jake and myself, sent out from our fellowship to a place so far from home that it takes three flights and almost twenty-four hours to get there.

For the first week, Cecie and I will be in meetings with our partners there. That will be a great time to re-connect and dream about future work together. Pam and our friends who already live in the city will be engaged with refugee work. Jake will, of course, be flitting around videotaping everything. I can’t wait to share with you at this coming Sunday’s services, via my simulcast message to a local group of believers, some of what’s going on.

The second week we’ll be involved in working the streets, talking first hand with people from our area of concern. We’ll get a real taste of the front-line stuff we hear so much about but don’t always get to experience.

Anyway, for the next hours we’ll be hanging around airports in different places throughout the world. This can drive a person crazy. Airports in general and long flights in particular have a way of draining the life out of you. Some folks can work while they fly but I’ve never had much luck with that. I try to read. Or maybe watch one of those inane in-flight movies. Sleep. Then wait anxiously for that wretched airline food, which within a few minutes after eating it you regret ever having put it into your mouth. In the end, I just sit gazing into the seat back in front of me, zombie-like, waiting for the end of the flight.

Anyway, the purpose of our trip is to make a difference in the lives of these precious people.  Our spiritual family has been heavily involved in this region of the world for over a decade, and with each passing year we build deeper relationships and have even more opportunities to serve. What a joy it is to be able to travel here once again! Thanks to all of you who continue to so faithfully and generously support this essential work.

I’ll look forward to providing a daily update throughout our trip so keep checking back on my blog. And feel free to share this blog with others.